Jesus’ Gals Bible Study is a women’s small group Bible study. Meets 2nd & 4th Thursdays Each Month 5:00 PM In Lounge
The adult Sunday school class meets with a time of fellowship and study of the Bible. We use occasional prompts which are reviewed weekly and some video lessons to enhance our studies. We have a range…
Children’s Sunday school classes offer children of all ages opportunities to come together and experience Bible-based lessons expanding their belief and faith in their Lord Jesus Christ. Reading the Bible, asking questions, participating in discussions, and…
The Men’s Bible Study is open to all men of all ages. We base our meetings on published studies & enjoy a time of fellowship while learning God’s truths in the Bible. Meets Mondays at…
We’re sorry to say that this group is no longer active. If you’ve got a vision for reviving this group and are interested in leading it, please don’t hesitate to give us a shout. We…
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